Consolidated Energy Concepts

A Proven Approach to Energy Management Solutions

Consolidated Energy Concepts - CNRG, INC

CNRG was originally founded based on the concept that if we only used the highest qualified people within our industry that this would set us apart from other service providers...and it has. Our staff and field technicians each have a minimum of twenty years experience which includes construction, repair, control programming and commissioning services for the retail market industry.

By utilizing only the highest skilled industry professionals to perform our energy and service diagnostics, our customers can be assured they will maintain the highest efficiency standards over their equipment without risking product integrity. Couple that with the fact that CNRG is a neutral 3rd party as we do not provide equipment installation, equipment sales or contract repair service. This assures our customers of no bias in our reports and findings.

CNRG has developed many unique key services and diagnostic procedures that have proven to save our customers millions of dollars annually in energy and maintenance reduction costs. These services include but are not limited to lighting control optimization, refrigeration control diagnostics, refrigerant loss reduction diagnostics and a full range of commissioning services including LEED and facility condition assessments. Our services are also designed to evolve with our customer's needs and adapt as conditions change. This provides the highest energy efficiencies without sacrificing equipment health or product integrity and keeps our customer's systems operating at a lower cost allowing for a greater advantage in a competitive market.

Commissioning Services

Commissioning is an important and integral part of the construction process. When commissioning is performed properly, it will identify short falls and issues that can lead to increased energy costs and inadequate equipment performance. In a supermarket and retail environment refrigeration and lighting can be over 75% of the electrical cost. Ensuring that equipment is installed and performing at optimal standards is now more critical than ever before. Our field optimization services include the following:

  • New Facility Commissioning
  • Remodel Commissioning
  • Cal-Green Commissioning
  • LEED Commissioning
  • Facility Condition Assessments
  • Energy & Optimization Commissioning
  • Custom Commissioning Programs

If you do not have a commissioning program, we can help you create one. Commissioning has proven to reduce energy costs, increase equipment efficiency and performance and will ensure you are getting the quality installation you paid for.

Facility Optimization Programs

Our field optimization services include the following:

  • Lighting Control Diagnostics & Optimization
  • Energy Management System Commissioning
  • Energy Management System Tuning & Optimization
  • Refrigeration Control Diagnostics & Optimization
  • Contractor Support & Training

All of our services are designed to provide results that reduce energy costs, maintenance costs and increase equipment stability. We start by focusing on your specific needs and goals and modify your program to complement these goals. Our services are designed to provide a true energy management program that partners with your existing program or we can develop a custom plan for you if one is not in place.

Remote Commissioning & Diagnostic Services (RCx)

CNRG offers an economical solution to maintaining energy efficiency and control standards. Using a cycle based ongoing diagnostics service, we provide a diagnostic interrogation of your energy management control system and identify problems that cause excessive energy usage, erratic control, and problems that can lead to increased energy costs, product loss or equipment damage.

Systems operating parameters often change through the course of normal maintenance and repair. Many of the changes implemented by repair personnel can cost thousands in energy if not supervised. Typically when these modifications occur through normal service and maintenance, they are only intended to be short termed or to temporarily resolve a service issue, but are then forgotten.

Our technicians will diagnose your systems and identify these problems and provide detailed reports to help your service staff implement corrections which will include training if necessary. Our technicians are skilled in the operation of control systems including Danfoss, Computer Process Controls (CPC), EIL, Com Trol and many more. All that is required to start this low cost service is access to your system and then the savings can begin. This service has already saved our current clients millions of dollars in energy and maintenance costs.

For more information on any of our services or to see what we can do for you, please contact us.

Contact Us

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If you would like to learn more about any of our services and how we can help your facilities reduce their energy and operating costs, please email us and we will have one of our represetnatives contact you. Thank you for visiting our site.